About Us
Cynaroides Boutique was founded in 2020 by Liza Luus as a sideline project. With her passion for shoes and determination to satisfy her customers Cynaroides Boutique became a small family business located in a small town, Heidelberg Gauteng South Africa.
Thanks to the quality of our products, the skills and dedication our old-fashioned customer service and our brand’s association with goodness in every way, we have been able to thrive in the face of tough economic conditions.
The single most important reason for our success has been the people who make up the groundcover family.
Together we share fast experience and depth of skill, which along with our clients has allowed us to remain creative and innovative, and to master a variety of constructions and techniques for different types of footwear.
The best thing about our shoes, apart from the Quality, Style, and Coolness, is what they represent – Uniqueness, Reverence for Life and an Adventurous spirit.
Thank you for being a part of our adventure.